Friday, July 30, 2010

Fishing report for SW Washington

SW Washington - The Cowlitz River is producing fair at best results for summer steelhead with success rates likely to climb in the coming weeks. The Lewis is also an option but has not fished as good as it has in recent years.

Drano Lake anglers are averaging about a fish per boat with low light scenario's producing the best catches. A significant number of wild fish are showing up in the catches so be prepared to release your catch.

The White Salmon and Klickitat Rivers should have fair numbers of fish present and with mild temperatures in the forecast, fishing should be fair.

Friday, July 23, 2010

SW Washington fishing report

SW Washington – Anglers remain focused on the summer run of steelhead marching upriver in masse on the lower Columbia right now. The mouth of the Cowlitz has been a favorite spot but success has been surprisingly slow recently.

The Lewis and Cowlitz River are also fair options but Cowlitz River anglers will find better catches later into August. Side-drifted clusters of eggs will produce the best catches.

The Drano Lake fishery remains one of the best bets for district anglers with thousands of fish passing through each day. Trollers and plunkers are taking fair numbers of fish with night-time fishing producing the best results.

Friday, July 09, 2010

SW Washington Fishing Report

SW Washington - The lower Cowlitz may begin to produce catches of summer steelhead now that mainstem water temperatures are on the increase. Most district streams however are producing fair at best and action isn't likely to pick up until later into August.

Steelhead counts at Bonneville justify a trip to Drano Lake for trollers and bank anglers. Night fishing seems to produce the best results but check regulations carefully before heading out.

The Klickitat River should also begin to see better catch rates for summer steelhead although glaciated coloration may affect success rates in the warmer weather.

Friday, July 02, 2010

SW Washington fishing report

SW Washington - Summer steelhead action is light on most district streams with the Cowlitz one of the better options for fish. The Kalama and Washougal should also have fair numbers of fish present but serious summer steelhead anglers are turning to the lower Columbia for better prospects.

Summer steelhead action in Drano Lake is set to improve as counts over Bonneville Dam are improving daily. Trollers are likely to take fish in low light conditions with the peak of this fishery coming later in July and early August.