Thursday, August 29, 2013

SW Washington fishing report for 8/30/13

SW Washington- Although still a bit early for tributary action, the Cowlitz, Kalama and Lewis Rivers should soon see chinook and early coho returns. Anglers remain focused on these tributary mouths where cool water draws in migrating salmon from the near-lethal temperatures of the mainstem Columbia. Mainstem anglers target the deeper water where cooler temperatures exist and the majority of chinook are now traveling.

Drano Lake anglers are reporting a mix of chinook, jacks and steelhead in the troll fishery. The action here will only get better in the weeks ahead, as we near the peak passage dates for upriver chinook.

The Klickitat River is also starting to draw interest where chinook and soon coho catches should blossom.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

SW Washington fishing report

SW Washington- Most anglers remain focused on mainstem Columbia chinook with the Cowlitz a prime target for anchor fishers. The Cowlitz itself will have chinook nose into the lower reaches as salmon escape the warm Columbia waters on their way upstream. The mouth of the Lewis is also a favorite destination for anglers to target chinook and coho.

With Bonneville Dam passing good numbers of steelhead and salmon, Drano Lake anglers are finding good success for both species. Action will only get better near these tributaries although warm water temperatures often slow catches.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

SW Washington fishing report

SW Washington- The mouth of the Cowlitz continues to produce good catches of steelhead and chinook are starting to show in earnest. Chinook will soon dominate the catch and given the magnitude of the run this year, action should be excellent.

The Cowlitz River itself is producing fair catches of steelhead.

Trollers at Drano Lake are taking both steelhead and chinook with less than half of the steelhead of hatchery origin. Action for chinook will only get better as Bonneville Dam counts increase. Chinook have already been caught in the Hanford Reach.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

SW Washington Fishing Report

SW Washington- The Cowlitz River near the trout hatchery is still kicking out a few summer steelhead but anglers have gravitated to the mainstem Columbia where good steelhead catches and early chinook action is underway. Anglers are targeting both species near the mouths of the Cowlitz and Kalama Rivers and action for chinook should get drastically better in the coming weeks. Wobblers will draw the most strikes but spinners can be effective too.

Drano Lake anglers are finding good success for steelhead but the area is crowded with boats. Some chinook are starting to show in the catches.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

SW Washington fishing report

SW Washington- The Cowlitz remains a viable bet for summer steelhead, the best option in the district. Kalama anglers are witnessing poor results. Fall chinook will soon show in these systems however but not for several more weeks.

Anglers fishing Drano Lake are finally producing catches although the vast majority of them are wild and must be released.

Horseshoe Lake in Woodland was planted with 600 brown trout averaging half-pound each on July 25.